14 thoughts on “Jakub Stefano by Justin Monroe”

  1. I have been a fan of Jakub for years now. Extremly sexy and well toned body he has. These photos are simply breathtaking, he has the most sexy ass i have ever seen. Continue with posts like these please

  2. In the famous words or Sir Mix a Lot…. I like big buts and I can’t lie….. Mmmmm boyfriends got it goin on like a mofo!!!

  3. He is so attractive!! I have been a fan of him for a long time now and everytime he is breathtaking! such a hot body!! and nice butt

  4. However gob-smacking he is those pictures are far too sissy to catch my eye… Why can’t a man pose like a man and not like a puffy queer?Sorry, not approved…

  5. he’s hot but u can see clearly that is a fake ass, added on photoshop, u can see old pics of him and he dont have any sings of big ass


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