6 thoughts on “Francois Sagat for Emmanuelle Tricoire”

  1. He’s an incredibly hot man, but I don’t like this set. He looks so sad :-( Where’s the animal hotness he usually exudes? Maybe he just needs a hug.

  2. In general i share with all of you he is sexy sexy. But i Think he will forgive me if I say two critcs.

    A man like him with this look very very masculine, got fucked in all the films and by several people, that is not normal. Maybe if is versatil iwould understand but in two films i have seen withm have been fucked…….several times. This not impotant but answering a ALEX i THINK YOURS DREAMS COME TRUE WITH. FRANCOIS,BESIDES HAVE WORKED IN A FRENCH FILM CALLED ¡¡HOMME AU BAIN¡¡ WHERE IS NAKED DURING A LONG TIME IN THE FILM THAT IS WHY DONT UNDERSTAND THE MASCHERAS TO COVER THE FACE IF EVERYBODY KNOWS Y0U. (AT LEAST ME)


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