8 thoughts on “With or Without Tattoos? With… Sebastian Kross”

  1. I’m not going to like Sebastian Kross until he bottoms. Tattoos, or no tattoos he’s ugly to me until he does.

  2. Because everyone knows a chest piece this sick, huge, and hardcore is not attractive whatsoever.. not to mention male adult film stars who have tattoos, 90% of the time, have ridiculously meaningless ink in strange places.. that are unflattering in terms of art, and only highlight physical features. But sure.. the state you’re born in.. a tattoo that’s placement is based on something you’re proud of, and a huge fucking diamond, gorgeous flowers, and two revolvers.. is a topic that dudes talk about alot involving this actor. I think they’re incredibly sexy, just because he seems like the biggest sweetheart.. with some sizeable and hardcore fucking tattoos. Bet he was a total punk kid growing up.


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