For years fans speculated whether the most american superhero Captain America might be closeted gay or not. Progressive fans recently started petitioning Marvel to change his sexual orientation in an upcoming film. Using the hashtag #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend, thousands of people asked the company behind the superhero to re-fashion him as a gay man.
While waiting whether Captain will come out of closet, enjoy MEN.com‘s XXX version starring the hunky Alex Mecum. It this version it turns out, every Marvel character is gay! :O
For years fans speculated whether Captain America is gay or not.
> See the trailer at MEN.com
“Captain America” is definitely not queer. Present company excluded, the queers I’ve met cannot imagine, let alone express, a thought without using profound amounts of profanity. Captain America constantly harangues his fellow super heroes for their abuse of the English language.
Captain America is a straight as they come.
Do you not monitor your comments? Why is this ignorant homophobic shit not deleted?
Captain America is a real winner. He is every person is idol dreamboat.
Captain America and all of his male friends with uncut cocks can cum and piss in both any time they are horny!
All of these men can cum and piss both in my mouth and asshole every day!