160 thoughts on “Cut or Uncut?”

  1. Oh gosh, each has its own qualities. For instance, I would rather like an uncut guy that doesn’t have an elephant trunk forskin. But to be truthful to both…if you don’t wash down there, it doesn’t matter if you sport a toque or a turtle neck. Cause that is just nasty.

  2. I really don’t care about cut or uncut.
    Erected they all look the same. And if not there’s something wrong with the tightness of the skin.

    To me the shape and overall appearence of a dick is much more important.

  3. I agree with queer heaven, when not erect, the uncut penis is much more attractive to me. I’ve seen some guys, especially when they are older, where the uncut flacid penis resembles an anteater and that’s just not cool. As Dean said, erect, they look pretty much the same – I’ll go with uncut!

  4. I prefer uncut just as long as the foreskin doesn’t hang too far down and you don’t have to pull it up like a Roman blind!

    I prefer boys to keep their pubes as well! stop manscaping! a trim is fine.

  5. un cut the way nature intended it 2 b ever try jerking w/his foreskin over u r cock feels sooo good,wish i could get mine back !!! why is it legal 2 mutilate our genitals ? trim/DO NOT shave i do not sleep with children,that is what u look like all shaven it's not appealing,not natural u look like u r 3

  6. Oh god, cut for sure! Last thing I wanna see when going down on a guy is a build up of crusty piss. I find that a lot of guys here in America actually like uncut though. Apprently since it's uncommon it's become somewhat of a fetish. Just not my cup of tea.

  7. i love when guys try to justify the unclean aspect of an uncut cock, it's ultimately a matter of personal hygiene and whether the person takes care of themselves. nature didn't make a mistake, humanity did. if you read about the history of circumcision there is very little real reason behind doing it. through, american doctors can make upwards to 300 dollars a circumcision, i suppose that's a reason. considering it only takes 5-10 minutes MAX, imagine how much you'd make by simply mutilating little boys all day. the bottom line is that it's a form of genital mutilation that is unnecessary. There are even Jewish organizations speculating the validity of circumcision as a religious practice.

    love 'em all the same, but you gotta feel a little sorry for the cut penis. Really, as long as it's clean and well taken care of, i'll take it either way.

  8. I love either, but uncut is more natural and unmutilated. Except for the USA, most male are uncut. Much more pleasant to the eye, and fun to play with. It is also more sensitive.

  9. Uncut. The uncut is more sensitive. Imagine what you can do with than sensitivity.The foreskin dude looks sexy but the beard… i dont like it.

  10. Uncut looks better and is more fun to play with.
    All of my friends agree and say that big and thick makes it that much more fun.


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