122 thoughts on “[Question] Jamie Dominic semi-hard, Real or Fake?”

  1. I say real…it matches the outline in the undie shots that Rick did. And Jamie is arrogant enought to post something like this on his MM page which is where it originated.

  2. Rick Day, while an excellent photographer, has a reputation for ‘playing around’ with his model’s junk – while photoshopping. :o)

  3. Doesn’t really matter. If it is real, Rick Day himself photoshopped any reality out of it. Either way, we still don’t know what his cock looks like!

  4. This isn’t a Rick Day photograph, it’s by CS Photographic. Jamie had it on his ModelMayhem portfolio for about a day and it was removed because MM has a policy against semi/erect shots.
    About the hips, Jamie sometimes has a faint tan line.

  5. PS If you like Jamie you need to check out his cousin, Tom Stapledon; there is definitely a HUGE familial resemblance. BTW Tom looks to be uncut, unlike Jamie.

  6. It looks fake to me. It doesn’t quite match his skin tone, and where it connects to his body looks a bit abrupt.

  7. I think it is real, but possibly photoshopped. If its Rick Day who took it, he often uses photoshop to enhance the equipment. Whatever the case, the appearance fits with all the other pics of his hard dick, meaning all those ones covered with wet underwear.

  8. Hey everyone this blog was brought to my attention and this photo is in fact real. MM was just stupid and removed it. This image was ALSO shot by my friend Cory aka CS photographic. I usually dont check blogs and read them but i had to let you all know the equipment is real and if you still don’t believe me well thats tough noogies. Take care everyone!

  9. He’s soft in the last picture of that link. He’s semi/hard/photoshopped in the picture WeLoveNudes posted.

    It’s not fucking fake!

  10. Guys if you want me to prove if its really me go to my facebook and message me and i will reply with YES it was me in the blog replying to you all. Don’t be ridiculous guys. ;) So yeah contact me on my official facebook or my fan page and i will confirm that this is me. Alrighty? haha i couldnt go with people actually thinking my shits fake. hahaha Take care everyone.

  11. Some real hot new pics of tom stapledon done by clemmonds I think m hard to find, need to creep om his fb page, but its def worth it.

  12. Who cars about Tom? Jamie rocks and gives up the goods. Must be Tom’s manager that that keeps spamming all this crap about him all over the net … riding on Jamie’s hot coattails.

  13. My cousin tom has no manager all his shoots are because of me . i spoon fed him any shoot he has ever had and he goes and is unappreciative … i am also bigger downstairs. Also in person he looks nothing liek his pictures hes very photoshopped. and yes him and i are not friends due to his lack of respect to the people who got him anything he’ s ever had. im not one to trash talk but its all true.

  14. and you kidding me those photos by clemmons of tom are totally horrible, you can do better than that with a point and shoot and a totally different model.

  15. Joe yeah im leaving to do a big shoot in Hollywood in a couple weeks then have to be back to NYC for another. Needed to make people wait a bit. ;)

  16. What a hilarious chain of posts. I accept Jamie’s comment about his equipment being real – if I had that endowment, I’d be proud, too. Look forward to seeing more of him. Sorry that he and Tom aren’t solid; they’d make a nice duo shoot. Oh, aaa, Sean Cody for sure.


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