Trevor Laster Continues To Dominate NextDoor

gay porn star Trevor Laster
Last year a former twinky model Trevor Laster returned to gay porn industry as a freking muscular hunk. Life is too short not to “party naked”…every chance you get. Trevor wasn’t given that body and dick to sit and study his life away. That would be a waste, right? Be sure to watch Trevor in action at NextDoorStudios.

In the years of absence Trevor spent a lot of time in the gym.

2 thoughts on “Trevor Laster Continues To Dominate NextDoor”

  1. Loving the new Trevor! Super hot! The shaven head and tattoos along with the muscles just lift him to another level. The old Trevor was cute but this one is outstanding. It is just me, but his cock just looks so much more spectacular, so much more menacing… a wonderful way. In my opinion every hour spent in the gym was worth it….great job!


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